Yoko Tanaka works under the theme of "making a moment eternal. Ceramics have a long history and are now world-class pottery and vessels, but they have been made with practical goals: to hold something, prevent water from leaking, and avoid breakage.
As a formative beauty, this pottery was created in Tanaka's HANA series. It must have taken a lot of nerve to stretch each petal thinly, fix it in place, and fire it.
Above all, the exhibition's theme suggests that Mr. Tanaka's thoughts on clay and the forms he has achieved are not for practical use, which is a hefty and daunting goal. I am still determining if we can expect to see the Hana series at the TAKARAMONO exhibition, but I am eagerly awaiting to see what kind of works he will come up with, along with the theme he holds so dear.

Born in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture
Graduated from Kanazawa College of Art, Department of Crafts
M.F.A. Kanazawa College of Art, Graduate School of Arts and Crafts, Kanazawa College of Art
Kanazawa Utatsuyama Craft Workshop,
Works in Ibaraki, Japan
From Tanaka's Instagram